
Flesh – Fall 2016   $26

With original essays by Lewis H. Lapham, Noga Arikha, Lucy Ives, and Peter von Ziegesar; Voices in Time contributions from Arnobius the Elder, Barry Bonds, Harry Crews, Joris-Karl Huysmans, Helen Keller, Omar Khayyam, D.H. Lawrence, Jan Morris, Silvina Ocampo, the Marquis de Sade, Johann Winckelmann, and Émile Zola; and art by Caravaggio, Peter Paul Rubens, and many others.

As Lapham’s Quarterly seeks to move to its new home at Bard College in 2025 (read more here), we are relaunching our Products storefront at this time using a new sales platform, which you can find here.