Volume V Collector’s Set

Volume V Collector’s Set – Special Edition   $100

Family Winter 2012
Means of Communication Spring 2012
Magic Shows Summer 2012
Politics Fall 2012

Volume V of Lapham’s Quarterly uncovers the ties that bind, the wires that connect us, the magic in everyday things, and the powers that be. It includes the four issues above, plus an autographed letter from editor Lewis Lapham, all enclosed in a brown slipcase featuring our signature Janus coin.

Shipping and handling not included. Add $10 for domestic shipping, $25 for Canada, $50 for international.

As Lapham’s Quarterly seeks to move to its new home at Bard College in 2025 (read more here), we are relaunching our Products storefront at this time using a new sales platform, which you can find here.