Help Us Send Lapham’s Quarterly to Incarcerated Readers

Since 2014 Lapham’s Quarterly has partnered with prison libraries, grassroots organizations, and educators to deliver copies of the Quarterly at no cost to incarcerated readers. In partnership with state and local governments and more than a dozen nonprofit organizations, we have distributed thousands of copies of Lapham’s Quarterly in more than forty states.

Will you help us continue this work? Your generosity will allow us to forge new partnerships and expand the magazine’s distribution to populations with an acute need for educational resources.

Lapham’s Quarterly is published by the nonprofit American Agora Foundation, and your contributions are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. If you have any questions, please contact our Development Department at or 212-590-6875.

If you prefer to donate over the phone or by mail, please call 877-890-3001
or write to us at